Sunday, August 31, 2008
i hate backstabbers!
i hate backstabbers! Esp those 2 headed snakes!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Duxton Hill
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Good things must share
Happy birthday J!

Dedicated for Damian @ sydney: Your favourite supper with a zhe shi good thumb.

Project group meeting @ nus com1
Had a project group meeting today with my project mates. They are Huiwen, Ling ling and Tanvir. Initially i thought Tanvir was Indie, but he appeared to be.. urm..(no offence, just for the joke of it)
XY says: (1:33:19 PM)
u guys should split
XY says: (1:33:22 PM)
3 pple do shit
marc says: (1:33:24 PM)
marc says: (1:33:28 PM)
4 ppl now
XY says: (1:33:32 PM)
now got 4 meh
marc says: (1:33:32 PM)
the guy will be 5th
marc says: (1:33:35 PM)
yar 4
XY says: (1:33:39 PM)
huh whos the 4th one
marc says: (1:33:41 PM)
tanvir, twin towers
XY says: (1:34:05 PM)
wtf is tanvir
marc says: (1:34:14 PM)
he is beside me
marc says: (1:34:16 PM)
mind ur words
marc says: (1:34:19 PM)
XY says: (1:34:21 PM)
marc says: (1:34:24 PM)
XY says: (1:34:26 PM)
XY says: (1:34:30 PM)
XY says: (1:34:31 PM)
marc says: (1:34:32 PM)
a name
XY says: (1:34:35 PM)
marc says: (1:34:38 PM)
XY says: (1:34:44 PM)
marc says: (1:34:48 PM)
i have to keep pressing f9
marc says: (1:34:54 PM)
marc says: (1:34:56 PM)
change topco
marc says: (1:34:58 PM)
Lesson learnt: They are bangla and proud to be one okay!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Couples Talk
Eg. 1
John wakes up in the morning, kisses his girlfriend Jacy on her forehead and said "you are so smelly" in an affectionate tone. And off he goes to work. Lunch time came, John went back home for lunch. He saw Jacy and she gave him a serious black face plus a couple of harsh replies. Puzzled, he asked why?
Her reply: You called me smelly early in the morning.
John's eventual mood: =/
Eg. 2
John:"You havent book the bbq pit right?"
Jacy: "ajksda dnjasmsadj dasdkosaomd" (some words john couldnt decipher as Jacy was facing the other side)
Jacy: "asdjkda asod jaosd asjidoasoi ME" (john still cant hear, only heard ME, he was thinking ME as in mumMY)
and then jacy became pissed as she thought John didnt want to help him book a bbq pit.
Lessons learnt: If you cant hear, just say, i beg your pardon.
Eg. 3
John saw this nice notebook lying around the room, flipping through it, he was thinking, "hey, maybe i can use this for workstuff". So later, he asked Jacy if she has no use for it, can he use it for his work.
Jacy got really pissed and said:" I have never heard people asking me for a notebook before" and there she rattled like a rattlesnake.
Reading such stuff maybe years down the road will probably bring some laughter to the both of them? Till next time.. Couples Talk!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
We are from earth.. arent we?

Has anyone attempted reading this book before? I didn't. But i did a bit of research on it. heh.
This is a book by John Gray offering many suggestions for improving relationships by understanding the communication style and emotional needs of the opposite gender.
The book, as suggested by the title, asserts the notion that men and women are as different as beings from other planets. Gray adopts this metaphor as the central theme of all his books and seminars, likening men and women to the classical Roman god Mars and goddess Venus as ideal types.
hmm.. interesting huh.. might just pick this book up soon or be cheapskate and read at borders. Chances that i can become a r/s guru?
currently, NOT!